Thursday, March 8, 2018

Week 4: Hastings

It definitely feels like it's been much longer than a month that's for sure. This was a week full of adjusting. My days have been filled with contacting people in streets and doing a lot of book work. We had no investigators when I got here and we were able to find one on Friday. Her name is loo and she's an atheist just like every other human being who lives here. It's crazy. Anyways she said she was intrigued by what we were saying and agreed to meet with us. We met with her last night and taught her about the doctrine of Christ and the restoration. She was very attentive and agreed to meet with us again on Monday which is great! Although she doesn't necessarily have a belief in God still, she is willing and wanting to learn more still. We extended a baptismal date of April 14th as a goal to work towards and she accepted!

Church on Sunday was way different than I am used to. It's very small and not a lot of members. We prepared the sacrament, passed the sacrament, and taught Sunday school. I'm so used to our ward and all the people there, so it's gonna take some getting used to. I don't really know any of the members, but we're trying to set up visits so I can get to know them.

We've also been looking at flats this week because we have to be out of the one we're in now by March 21st. We found one in the middle of town that we're really hoping we get! I've also never cooked so much in life. I do most of the cooking which is a shocker I know right?!?! Also our area is huge. Like you can take the train for a good while in any direction and that's still our area!

It snowed a lot here this weekend which caused lots of things to shut down. By a lot i mean it snowed but here any snow is a lot of snow.

I got to meet my district on Monday for our district meeting. It seems like a good group of people which is really nice! Not even close to my mtc group, but no gorup ever will even get close to that.

I got my first haircut here today and it was amazing. My buddy Sergio hooked it up and did me up real nice. I even hooked him up with a tip since most people don't do that here. We're headed to our district leaders area today to hang with our district. I'm also headed back there tomorrow because I'm going on exchange with elder lopiano, the district leader, which should be fun!

There's my first week in the field lady's and gents. Hope all is well back home and somebody needs to fill out a March madness bracket for me!

P.S. it made my day getting the package of cookies (this is Courtney - mama Stef paid an obscene amount to send Ben the Girl Scout cookies he ordered before he left - true love haha)! Those kind of things are what get me through. Also I attached a pic of fast Sunday tie and suit!

With love,
Elder Hruby

Fast Sunday Tie 

Girl Scout Cookies

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