Well I guess I'll get right into it. Our friend Luke is something special to say the least. We've seen him several times since Friday and it's do flipping wild. So he basically thinks he's possessed by the devil and so is his house/neighborhood. He also thinks his neighbors are witches...wild I know. We went over on Monday and literally cast out demons. It was a new experience to say the least. We also cast out demons from his home and gave him a priesthood blessing. He won't even sleep in his home and left the town to get away and is now camping in the middle of nowhere to try and get away from Satan basically. How's that for an experience for you?
Do you remember the lady who stopped us in the street about a month ago named Zoe? Well we finally got to meet with her after several cancelled appointment and she's sooooo solid. She wants to be baptized is now preparing to be baptized on June 30th! She's so great and I'm so excited for her. I knew she was solid from the day we met her, but it took over a month for anything to finally happen! Better later than never though that's for sure.
This week is harvest week... the last one of the England London south mission ever! Crazy to think about. It's such a big push week because this is probably the last week to find people that could he baptized before the close of the mission on July 1st so it's a wild week!
It should be a fun next couple days. Elder Rhee and Kápolnási came into town last night and are spending preparation day with us. Tonight we are going to Tunbridge Wells to do sport contacting with the sisters like we did last week. Afterwards we'll head to Maidstone and spend the night there because we have district meeting there on Thursday. After that we'll be headed to Croyden for exchange with the zone leaders which should be lit! It's the closest thing to London I'll get so far, so should be fun.
Nothing but good times here in the hood of Hastings. One of my favorite parts about this place is now that the weather is getting better every single guy takes there shirts off...old and young, skinny and fat. It's quite the views it provides a great laugh. Gotta love this place and all the weirdos here. Definitely something I'll remember for the rest of my life haha.
Well that's really it for me since it was a short week. Anyways, I love you all and hope you're having a fantastic week and are enjoying the start of summer! Until next week
With love,
Elder Hruby