Last week Elder Hruby gave his mission farewell address in church. He spoke of his excitement to serve and love of this Gospel. Below is his talk as he gave it in church. We love our Elder Hruby so much and are so proud of his decision to serve the Lord!
Good morning brothers and sisters. I realized after I asked these girls to sing that it probably wasn't’ the brightest idea because I knew everything after it would be downhill… and well the problem is I am the one who has to follow that. When trying to decide what to talk about i was stumped. It’s not like I have gone on a mission and have experiences to talk about and I can’t really tell you what I’m expecting, cause let’s be real… I have no idea what to expect. So I guess that leaves me with Why? Why serve a mission? And how did I get to this point of being 9 days away from flying to England?
So how did I get to the point where I decided to serve a mission? I think more often than not it’s just assumed that that you’re going to serve a mission, but in reality there comes a time when you actually have to make the decision. Growing up, serving a mission was always something that was just gonna happen. It was never if I was going to serve a mission, but rather a when. I was lucky to be raised in an atmosphere like that, because if I had to make the decision now it would’ve been much harder now being in college playing the game I love, but when you make the decision years in advance it’s much easier. Making that decision as a kid was one thing, but keeping myself on that path was another. It couldn’t be done alone. It took the help of countless seminary teachers, young men's leaders, bishops, friends, and of course family. One of the biggest influences on me serving a mission is my brother. Having had nobody in my family serve a mission before, having a brother lead the way made it much more of a reality. It was the true meaning of leading by example. Because let’s all be honest… if Grant can successfully serve a mission then I should have no problem.
Growing up and throughout my life I have often found myself alone in a crowd, and this isn’t me saying I had no friends, because I did, but never any lds ones. Part of that is on me, because when you transfer to a Catholic high school there are no other mormons… shocker I know right. I never realized the lack of peers who shared similar beliefs until I got to college. During fall camp I found myself in some of the loneliest times I had ever been in. I have the best group of friends who I was able to hang with in high school while others were off partying, but I no longer had that support in college. I found myself alone in my room night after night while classmates were being the standard college kid. I had never truly felt Christ in my life until this point. It saddens me to say this because I was too ignorant to ever stop and recognize how blessed I had been my entire life. It took me 18 years to be alone and down to finally Know Christ was more than just a figure I had learned about my whole life, but he was my friend. A friend who had always been there, but I had failed to recognize. I guess you could say that was the moment I knew I needed to serve a mission.
My whole life I have been exposed to missions and missionaries, but when you are preparing for your own it makes you really question what is the purpose of missions, because if you can’t find one then why would you give up two years of your life? So first I wanna look at what the scriptures say about serving a mission. In Mark chapter 16 verse 15 it states “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”. In Doctrine and Covenants section 18 verse 15 it states, “And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!” This is something I will need to remember when the days get long, the nights get short, and I struggle to find motivation. If all I am able to do in two years is bring one soul unto Christ, then I will have had a successful mission. One single person having the chance to experience truth and the happiness that comes with that truth is all I need to have great joy. Hopefully I will remember that as I get shot down time after time. It makes it clear that the whole world is to here the gospel of Christ and to make this a reality missionaries are needed. In Abraham 3:27 it states And the Lord said: “Whom shall I send? And one answered like unto the Son of Man: Here am I, send me.” Jesus Christ, the greatest of all, volunteered to descend below all things and to suffer beyond anything mortals could suffer, doing for us what we could not do for ourselves. All of us have the opportunity to choose our own words when we are issued difficult callings, such as a mission. But the question is how will we answer? Elder Dallin H. Oaks taught, “Please consider who it is you are refusing or neglecting to serve when you decline a calling or when you accept, promise, and fail to fulfill” closed quote. When we plead with our heavenly father to send us help as we attempt to magnify a new calling or respond to a new challenge, I believe the savior responds once again, “Here am I, send me”
Now why I want to serve. Henry B. Eyring once said “Tonight, and tomorrow night, you might pray and ponder asking the questions: Did God send a message that was just for me? Did I see his hand in my life or the lives of my children? I will do that. And then I will find a way to preserve that memory for the day that I, and those that I love will need to remember how much God loves us and how much we need Him. I testify that He loves us and blesses us, more than most of us have yet recognized. I know that is true, and it brings me joy to remember Him” closed quote. This displays the exact reason for why I want to serve. Millions of people throughout the world haven’t got the opportunity to experience the joy that the gospel brings or they have fallen away from something that has the potential to fill their life with a joy unlike any other. One of the things I love about this church is the importance of families. Now everyone knows how ridiculous my family is and how crazy we are, but I am so grateful, well most of the time, that I get to spend eternity with them. One of the things that my brother once said to me that has stuck with me and gives me motivation to get out and serve is when he told me that it’s worth it to give up two years of your life to help others be together for eternity. What greater joy is there in life then helping others to get the opportunity to be surrounded by their loved ones forever.
It is not going to be easy to leave family, football, and friends for two years, in fact it is going to be the hardest thing I have ever done in my life by far, but hey as the Colonel always says… if it was easy everybody would do it. I hope they call me on a mission When I have grown a foot or two.I hope by then I will be ready To teach and preach and work as missionaries do. I hope that I can share the gospel With those who want to know the truth. I want to be a missionary And serve and help the Lord while I am in my youth. Brothers and sisters, they have called me on a mission… I have grown a little more than a foot or two… and I hope I can share the gospel with the amazing people of England.
I want to end by bearing my testimony that I know this church is true. I know I was called of God to further his work and bring others unto Christ. I know, and am so very grateful that families are forever. I want them to know that I love them so much and will miss them more than anything. I am excited to fulfill his work and glory these next two years. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.